Eco events by month
Repeating Monthly Events
Aireborough Walk Together
First Monday in the Month every alternate month apart from May when it will be the second Monday
Parish Walk
Second Saturday in the month
Church Yard Tidy
Fourth Saturday in the month TBC
Horsforth Repair Cafe
First Saturday in the Month at St Margaret’s Church Church Lane Horsforth 1pm to 4pm
Leeds Community Clothes exchange
Fourth Saturday in the month Leeds Community Clothing Exchange. I have not noted this on the February church catalogue entry as I feel it needs an explanation so I intend to do that for March.
Yearly eco events by the month
Big Garden Bird Watch 24th-26th 2025
Fairtrade Easter Eggs to order – Father John Binks
Earth Hour March 22nd at 8.30 pm. The theme is ‘Our Power, Our Planet’ shining the light on renewable energy
Christian Aid Week May 11th – 17th
Rogation Sunday Sunday May 25th and possible Eco Services?
Guiseley Street Festival and St Oswald’s Summer Fair. Usually the first weekend in June but no dates listed as yet
Count on Nature and Love your burial ground June 7th -15th
September – Busy Month!
Fairtrade Fortnight September 9th to 22nd
Heritage Open Days September 13th – 22nd Tree Trail
Sustainable Fashion Week Sept 27th – October 5th, this was highlighted in last Sunday’s Songs of Praise, not sure what we could do but worthwhile keeping a note of.
Parkinson’s Park Gala no info on a date as yet
Fairtrade Advent Calendars to order – Father John Binks ?
Christmas Fair in Church, usually the last Sunday in November. Green Team info stall.
Christmas Tree Festival