Congratulations to St. Oswald’s Church Guiseley.
You have been awarded an Eco Church Silver Award.
Message from the Green Team
Our thanks go to everyone who has taken part and given us the chance to move forward to gain this award.
The Green Team have worked particularly hard in 2024 and with the combined assistance of Kevin Greenwood and Martin Baker have reached the next milestone in the Church’s journey.

what a wonderful evening of Carols beautiful music put together by our Director of Music, Martin Baker – ably assisted in the organisation by (I don’t know what we would do without him) Kevin Greenwood.
The Service had an atmosphere I have only this once experienced anywhere. The thought, planning and preparation that went to putting this event together must have been mammoth.
The Service commenced with the church in complete darkness, and as the choir processed singing around the church, they left a trail of light. Lessons and Prayers were intertwined with the music which was both ethereal and Advent based. The Choir processed through the church to the hymn ‘O Come o Come Emanuel by which time the aisles were lit as can be seen in the photograph. The Congregation joined in heartily with the hymns and Wine and Mince Pies were enjoyed at the end of the service.
What a wonderful event to mark the beginning of our Advent Journey.

This years Festival is a community celebration bringing people and local organisations together by each decorating a Christmas Tree. The trees are then displayed collectively, for a limited time and open to the public. Our thanks go to Kevin Greenwood, Martin Baker, Mandy Waters and those who have spent time and effort putting their trees in the wonderful interior of the church.
Please notice too on the outside of the church, two trees have been decorated as ‘Living Trees’ with seeds and nuts to feed the local bird population.
Fun Question:-
Why do you leave your Christmas Tree up until the 6th January???
January 6th is known as the Epiphany, Little Christmas or Three Kings Day. From the perspective of religion tradition, its the day that the Magi (the Three Kings or the Wise Men) brought gifts to the infant Jesus, so it makes sense for many to mark this as the last day for the Christmas Season.

Today 5th January, 2nd Sunday in Epiphany, we awake to a snow filled Guiseley and Surrounding Area. Many thanks to Fr David for ‘Live Streaming’ the Eucharist Service for all those parishioners’ who have not been able to make the journey. Stay safe everyone, its a treacherous morning out there.
Our thanks also go to Martin Baker for the amazing photographs below.