Our Sunday School groups

We meet upstairs in Saint Oswald’s Parish Centre, on Church Street, at 10.00 am every Sunday and join the service in Church at about 10.50 am. We share our news, sing, have prayers and a Bible story. All parents/carers are welcome to bring their children to Sunday School.

Little Fishes

Children age 5 and under, with their parent or carer, remain upstairs with 2 leaders and have craft activities suitable for their age group. We also have toys for the babies and toddlers in this group.


Children age 6 and over go downstairs with two of our Sunday School leaders to run the session which includes worksheets, craft work , and further discussion about the theme for the day.

On Good Fridays we run a children’s event in St Oswald’s Church, with a wide range of activities, crafts and music based on the Easter story. All children and their parents/carers are welcome (please note: under 5s must have a parent or guardian to stay with them). This is a free event and is always very popular!

On Christmas Eve we have a Christingle Service, with a collection for the Children’s Society, and a children’s Crib Service, with traditional Christmas carols and a Nativity Play by our Sunday School children.

During Lent we encourage the children and parents to collect money for a nominated charity.

All children, of any age, are warmly welcomed to our Sunday Schools.