15th Airedale (St Oswald’s) Scout Group
& Honey Badger Explorer Unit
The Scout Group is sponsored by St Oswald’s Church. Parades are on St George’s day and Remembrance Sunday.
Their headquarters are situated on the Green, adjacent to the Church School.
Meeting times are as follows
Monday | Cubs | 6.30-8pm |
Tuesday | Beavers | 6-7.30pm |
Wednesday | Cubs | 6.30-8pm |
Thursday | Explorers | 7-9pm |
Friday | Scouts | 7-9pm |
Rombalds Stride
The group organize the ‘Rombalds’s Stride’ which is an approximate 24 mile annual event for runners and walkers held on the first Saturday in February. Further details of this, as well as the programme of activities for each group and contact details for the individual leaders can be found on their website – www.15thairedale.co.uk
Volunteer with Rainbows or Brownies – it’s fun!
We are looking for more volunteers to join the teams leading the Rainbow and Brownie units in Guiseley. Rainbows are the youngest section of Girlguiding for girls age 5 to 7 and Brownies are for girls age 7 to 10. Rainbows and Brownies make friends and have fun with crafts, cooking or exploring science and use games, stories and songs to learn about the wider world.
We need volunteers to help run meetings, and maybe train to be Leaders, but it doesn’t have to be a weekly commitment. We would also welcome occasional helpers for meetings, events, and even just help preparing before meetings and tidying up at the end of meetings. Adults of any age can volunteer – if you are retired this could be a flexible volunteering opportunity you would really enjoy.
Here at St Oswald’s the Rainbows meet on a Wednesday and there are Brownie units that meet on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. There are other units in Guiseley that meet on a Thursday evening that would also welcome your help. Making a difference to girls’ lives and helping them achieve their potential is hugely rewarding and fun. An experienced local support network is there to help, and we’ll make sure that you feel welcomed and valued. You will be joining a team of over 50 volunteers and supporters in Guiseley and over 100,000 in the UK.
Please consider whether you would be able to help in some way, and ask your friends and family if you think they would be interested.